treehousebar kullanıcısının resmi
Nis 02, 2014
12653 görüntüleme
İtibar: 12



This has been interesting and I cannot seem to get past this - 

Had SambaPOS V2 - it crashed - - tried all I could - UNINSATLLED and removed all residual


Have now reinstalled on both my laptop and bar desktop - - works JUST fine on laptop -

When I try and open - it goes to open file Samba.presentation.exe - and comes up with this ERROR MESSAGE


Cannot connect to database with current connection settings. Please check connection string below and retry

Error Message - Format opf the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 28.

This is the connection string in the error box - - the string is right but the file is not there - and nor in the programs file - I saved the same file before I deleted and tried putting that in both the documents and also the program file and still did not work.

C:\Users\DOT COMBACKYARD\Documents\SambaPOS2\SambaData2.sdf

I really need my system back up at the bar -

The file SambaData2 is not in the documents file on the bar computer but curiously it is in the documents file on the laptop - -

Any suggestions - do I have to reinstall the whole computer ? -






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