sukasem kullanıcısının resmi
Eyl 07, 2013
11646 görüntüleme
İtibar: 59

Windows Printer wont recognize ESC command

Hi there,

I try to print using Windows Printer to print UTF-8 unicode chaacters but it won't process any ESC code (in template I have <XCT>28,112,1,0 which work if I set to Ticket Printer) and even by pass Start document command set in Windows driver. Start command works if I print from notepad.

I'm using TM-T88III but it's English model so I have to print in graphic mode only. I guess why change codepage setting doesn't work. I try different type of printer from drop down list and change codepage but only Windows Printer works.

Ticket Printer -> ESC code work but wrong characters
Text Printer -> Print 1 letter per line

And another problem with Thai character, it won't align properly with charactor count method since some Thai characters place on top or bottom of previous character so, one character witdth can be 3 characters.

Thank you,


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