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Dear Emre,

aRTx kullanıcısının resmi
asked on Nis 15, 2013 and it has 3351 görüntüleme.
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If the work period ends for two waiters and they have open tables then how to end period with program and move open tickets to new waiters.

Is this reasonable?

aRTx kullanıcısının resmi
asked on Nis 15, 2013 and it has 2567 görüntüleme.
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I have implemented SambaPOS to Restourant but I have a request from my chief.

Don't let another waiter to add or view another waiter's table!

aRTx kullanıcısının resmi
asked on Nis 15, 2013 and it has 2666 görüntüleme.
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It is posible to have a monitor in the kitchen to show al the recipies in order with the minutes since the order?

BonVivant kullanıcısının resmi
asked on Nis 12, 2013 and it has 2416 görüntüleme.
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It will be great to have Monitoring Module wich will be accesible from web browser.

The module will show all reports what Report Section do.

aRTx kullanıcısının resmi
asked on Nis 09, 2013 and it has 2416 görüntüleme.
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I'm trying to understand how did you shift from one work period to another?

Look I have 4 waiters from 07:00 to 15:00 and 3 waiters from 15:00 to 23:00.

aRTx kullanıcısının resmi
asked on Nis 09, 2013 and it has 2602 görüntüleme.
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aRTx kullanıcısının resmi
asked on Nis 09, 2013 and it has 2608 görüntüleme.
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Can I use SambaPOS in my Shop?

There need to sell with barcode scanner and a keystrocke (F5) to print bill.

aRTx kullanıcısının resmi
asked on Nis 09, 2013 and it has 2807 görüntüleme.
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I have install SambaPOS v3.03 on Windows 7 and the database is SQ (SQL Server 2005).

It is working good. 

aRTx kullanıcısının resmi
asked on Nis 09, 2013 and it has 2958 görüntüleme.
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Im trying to create a different pay method that is debit card, im already create all the instances in acount but the b

utton it still missing , 

BonVivant kullanıcısının resmi
asked on Nis 05, 2013 and it has 2628 görüntüleme.
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