emreeren's picture
Sep 23, 2013
Reputation: 595

Hello, How are you?


I'm bored just reading issues. Other than issues I'll be really happy to hear some comments about your SambaPOS experience in general. Are you using it? Should we keep it going?

9 answers

lernoutmaltas's picture
Sep 23, 2013
Reputation: 130

Hello, all right here! (:

Sambapos is simply incredible, and deserves our praise,

I'm still not fully utilize, testing some things and I'm a little late to start to campaign sambapos.

Moked's picture
Sep 23, 2013
Reputation: 1

This is my first post, not because I am new to SambaPOS, but because of all your great work I've never felt the need to ask anything, all I needed was in one forum post or another.

Around december 2012 I was looking for a POS system to implement in my restaurant, I tried some demos of paid software, not bad at all, but some were really complicated for the user, some did not have all the features I was looking for. Then I found SambaPOS, and I was amazed: easy interface for user, free, open source...

SambaPOS is an amazing piece of software, and I am using it in my restaurant since May 2013, now I'm trying all the new posibilities of the version 3 and it's better yet.

I want to thank you for this great job, a free open source project that is better than any paid solution I've seen.

Really, really thank you!

P.S. Sorry for my english, it's not my language, but I think my message is clear :)

kylemclean's picture
Sep 24, 2013
Reputation: 8

Just installed SambaPOS3 on 4 terminals in our restaurant and bar. It seems like really great software. We are hoping to contribute to the campaign once management is satisfied with it. I think it has great potential - very user friendly and best looking POS by far!

BonVivant's picture
Sep 24, 2013
Reputation: 79

as you already know, im an active userof your soft, i think its great better than a paid ones, you are realy commited with your project and this is great for as, im completly dissapointed with the people who use your software and not contribute yet, i think that you should make somethig to recive money for your exelent job

allmixedup's picture
Sep 24, 2013
Reputation: 2

Hi Emre

I read most of the question here to understand,  what people are going through when there is no proper documentation and they get good software in their hand. if you recall my old post about the card, i wrote atleast enough detail that make easy for any one to use card or train new employee. 

if you wrote proper documentation on how each feature works and how they can custmize it according to their need then you will not ask this question "Are you using it? Should we keep it going?"  instead people will send all different kind of screen shot and feedback.

i am a fast food franchisee since last 7 years, we have greate software for our system but more than 60 % owner even don't know how to change Tax rate, because of not proper documentation, a more than 150 pages of unorganize user guide without screen shot make user sleeepy and leave franchisee unhappy

 if i know all the feature, tricks and tips than i will be happy to write a user guide with screen shot so people can take advantage sambapos and don't ask many question.

if i can help in any way, let me know and i will be happy to help.

"good communication is a key for successful Transction"

QMcKay's picture
Sep 25, 2013
Reputation: 17

Things are great here in sunny Roatan!

Excellent piece of software!  I tried out 18 different POS systems, both free/paid and open/closed source... I chose SambaPOS because it's simply the best!  I started with V2.99c over a year ago, and once v3.x hit Beta state, I began testing.  I'm about to put it into production in my small coffee shop and wine bar...

Just a few more things to figure out in configuration, and I'll be ready to go this week!

I will be supporting the campaign soon!

sukasem's picture
Sep 25, 2013
Reputation: 59

Come on, ppl. $100 per machine or restaurant is not much at all.  

And for $499 to have free lifetime subscriptions to all Projects released.
For $249 you can have free lifetime subscriptions to 3 Projects.

I don't get it. A lot of other systems charge atleast that per terminal license, and then still charge $$$ per month ongoing.

So tell me SambaPOS is not worth it.

For $499 you can have
- Multi Site Integration
- Kiosks
- Web site integration
- Advanced Reporting
- Native iPad version of SambaPOS
And that's just some of the subscription projects listed.

Not to mention full documentation, migration from V2, advanced cost/inventory tracking and time clock.

BTW, Why have to be iPad? Why not Android as well?

I'm not a fan of Apple. For half of the price of iPad you can get decent Android tablet.

Back when we started using RDP, the iPad & iPod were the weapons of choice. It's only recently that Android has produced decent tablets. iOS native software will work on iPod, iPad & iPad Mini.

But for $400 you can have a decent Win8 Tablet.

JohnSCS's picture
Sep 28, 2013
Reputation: 271

So what's my story.

Well I wish I could say that I use SambaPOS for my business, but unfortunately I run an IT Service Company, so I have no need for a POS system myself. But we work primarily in the hospitality industry - and they do need POS systems.

How this started for me was a friend who runs a Golf Club asked me to find a POS solution to replace their cash registers. They had been quoted $45k for a 3 terminal setup. Yet they were not happy that the software was what they needed. So he asked me to find a solution.

So like many people here I tried many different POS programs. Some were terrible, some were great, but many were very rigid and didn't allow for flexibility. And they all looked the same :(

Then I found SambaPOS (I think it was V2.51). While it didn't have all the features of the big expensive POS packages, it did have something many didn't - and that was a clean and easy to use interface. So after getting on the forums and asking a few questions, I started to realise what made SambaPOS so different. And it was Emre. He didn't want to create just another POS program, he wanted to create a whole new approach to a POS system. To do something that was new and creative, and provide a system that was so flexible that it would suit your business, instead of your business having to suit it.

So after a demo to my friend who absolutely loved the simplicity of SambaPOS, I continued to work with Emre to add more features, and flexibility.

18mths ago we went live with SambaPOS 2.76 running on 3 terminals (2 Bar & 1 Restaurant) plus an iPad. At the end of the first week we had one of the biggest functions ever at the venue. Everyone loved SambaPOS. The staff found it so easy to use, and the customers loved the professional touch of table service thanks to the iPad. That night we had 30 tables made up of various businesses around the area, and each with their own tab for food and drinks. It was an amazing success.

Over the last month, the bar manager (who has become a SambaPOS guru) has been slowly setting up V3. He has been so excited with what can be done in V3. He has setup card swipes for the members discounts & accounts, RFID tags for the staff, he is looking at utilising GIft Certificates, revamping the Restaurant setup, and also setting up POS for their new coffee shop.

We also have 2 more Golf Clubs running SambaPOS now, and they all love it. Even staff who have used other POS systems have commented on how easy and simple SambaPOS is to use. One club purchased another terminal off us as their business had grown so much due to the fact that SambaPOS had given them the ability to increase productivity.

So that's about it. Very soon I want to make SambaPOS a permanent part of our business, with staff dedicated to installing and supporting SambaPOS.

But by far the best part has been watching SambaPOS evolve over the last 2 years, and reading the success stories from other SambaPOS users.

And of course the new friendships that I have made around the world.

teşekkür ederiz

emreeren's picture
Sep 29, 2013
Reputation: 595

ok more than 150 views and 7 responses. Well... I already know most of them. It seems people thinks it does not deserves even a single comment. (sigh...)

no I won't blame. I'm trying to get the message to be able or decide on our next step. We still have more than 20 days to the end of the campaign. I doubt people will suddenly start contribute but I want to wait.

Big thanks to everyone who tried to understand what we are doing here and helped us to Improve SambaPOS. Gaining your trust and friendship is far more important than any campaign success. I'm really proud of that. 

* John rica ederim :) Asıl bizi hiç yalnız bırakmadığınız için biz teşekkür ederiz. 

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