BonVivant's picture
Oct 03, 2013
Reputation: 79

it make no sense


i was  loking and just the last update of the sambapos was more than 400 downloads. if each of this downloads contribute with 100 we allmost could reach the goal, every one who works with this soft earn money and if you have to pay for this kind of soft you should pay a fortune, this gus are asking for help to help us, this is an incredible soft and its free, come on wake up

5 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Oct 04, 2013
Reputation: 271

I second that. 

sukasem's picture
Oct 04, 2013
Reputation: 59

May be Emre should make it commercial for V3. Maybe $100 plus module plug in is extra.

lernoutmaltas's picture
Oct 04, 2013
Reputation: 130

I agree, yes sambapos should become commercial

I was super excited about the campaign and now just wanted to make a contribution but during the period had several problems.

When the campaign started soon began to market to contribute. What happened to my inexperience with the system wrapped myself with clients.

With that he could not deliver the databases and realized that to meet the public I would need a team.

The Public sold in which was very annoying and demanding (eg started studying Turkish documentation to be able to create accounts, inventory, they charge me this, even more do not know)

I met sambapos was by accident, and I soon saw that this was something big.

What I explain is that only managed to sell sambapos version v26

previous versions had problems exchanging databases due to some errors and it took much time correcting.

What I think, Emreeren could pause now for example the V30 to give us this opportunity to raise funds for contribution. I think sambapos became unstable after V26

The going forward sambapos become commercial.

Hope I have understood, it is difficult to try to explain.

QMcKay's picture
Oct 05, 2013
Reputation: 17

I agree: $100 is a very small amount to pay.  Even though I have a small Coffee Shop, I pledged much more than that, because I recognize the power of SambaPOS.  You can't get any POS software this good for less than $500, or at the least $100 per terminal.  Buck up people!

ShuxingLiu's picture
Oct 11, 2013
Reputation: 28

I second this and just contributed 100USD.

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