BonVivant's picture
Sep 14, 2013
Reputation: 79

Custom Package Delivery System

some times, when i left a ticket delivering for a long time when i pay it didnt change the stato to delivered and didnt desapear from the second list, i try to delete the ticket but i couldnt


3 answers

BonVivant's picture
Sep 14, 2013
Reputation: 79

this is how its looks

I have the same problem, could you fix it?


Este problema lo tuve yo y me di cuenta que ocurre cuando abres y cobras el ticket desde otro  lado que no sea la pantalla de envios.

Si abres los tickets desde esta misma pantalla y los cobras no tienes problema alguno de que se te queden estos registros.

Yo tengo una pregunta para ti, veo que tambien te atoraste un poco en imprimir el numero de mesa en los tickets, y yo tambien lo tengo ese problema, me podrias decir como lo solucionaste?




craigs755's picture
Nov 08, 2013
Reputation: 3


is there any way we can intergrate UK postcode in it. Like postcode LookUP. i want this feature like i will enter the post code and software can give me the address. I will be thank ful to you for your help

emreeren's picture
Nov 08, 2013
Reputation: 595

Do you have post codes as a cvs file? If you have you can create a query custom field for customers. You can read details here

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