mvdm25's picture
Aug 28, 2013
Reputation: 1

re installing samba pos


Our register got a virus the other day and we can't access the software. Looks like I will need to re format the system. How do you (or can you) reload the data back into new samba software once I get the system back up and running. Running V2 with SQL data base.  If someone can help that would be great..

3 answers

lemmings's picture
Aug 28, 2013
Reputation: 15

Yes you can backup your current SambaPos  data via SQL Management Studio, just create a backup that overwrites any others and take a copy.


Reload the PC then install SQL server and set up database.  Install SambaPos then using SQL Management Studio restore the backup you took.


In my experience a good offline virus scanner should work without the need for a re-format

JohnSCS's picture
Aug 28, 2013
Reputation: 271

As per Lemmings instructions, I would also make a copy of the DB files


You will need to stop the SQL Service - usually called (but depending on the Instance Name setup originally)

SQL Server (SAMBAPOS) or

first either through services.msc or SQL Server Configuration Manager.

I use this method for swapping databases when testing.
To use the files,

1. Install SQL Express
2. Install SambaPOS
3. Run SambaPOS and configure the data source, exit SambaPOS
4. Restart SambaPOS, confirm that it is using SQL, and exit
5. Stop the SQL Server using services.msc
6. Copy your files over the newly created ones.
7. Start the SQL Server using services.msc
8. Run SambaPOS

Sounds a little long, but I find it fast and easy.

repertech's picture
Jan 12, 2014
Reputation: 2

You can just copy file from the parth


save this file and after formating install sambapos and run it once and exit and then copy the file in same root your settings and data will com back.

Important after installing run it once so sambapos folder will get created in my document else you will not find the folder.


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