mughalschopstix's picture
Feb 05, 2014
Reputation: 6

Unable to take payment for other department


Hi I am using SambaPOS 2 and created 2 departments 1) Restaurant 2) Delivery

I am unable to settle the Payment for Delivery whereas Restaurant is orking fine for me. Please help its really urgent. The Settle button is coming disabled.

3 answers's picture
Feb 05, 2014
Reputation: 28

Go to Manage>Automation>Automation Commands>Settle>Mapping.

Select * in all and select Visibility "Display Under Ticket. then Save.

if not done the same repeate in Rule and reply status

mughalschopstix's picture
Feb 05, 2014
Reputation: 6

I am using SambaPOS 2 where the Automation Command does not exist. Screenshot attached. Now in SambaPOS 2 the options that I am getting under Manage tab is as you can see in 2nd screenshot

send screenshot of Department which you have created in Manage>Department.




emreeren's picture
Feb 06, 2014
Reputation: 595

Clear department assignment from terminal settings.

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