outback's picture
Jan 25, 2014
Reputation: 27

Using two languages English & Thai

Hi There

My customers are both English and Thai and my staff all Thai, so I have been experimenting using both language on the POS screens, Tickets and Kitchen Instructions.

It is all working quite well but needs some fine tuning, as one line is sometimes not long enough to view a product in both languages on the POS screen:-

Is there a way to wrap the lines on the POS screen as well as the buttons, which I have done already? and also can the printed ticket use two lines for each each product if required - at the moment it cuts off the words at the end of one line.

The printer otherwise seems to handle both languages very well just by changing the character set to Thai [874] on both the ticket printer and the kitchen printer.

Outback Jack 


6 answers

emreeren's picture
Jan 31, 2014
Reputation: 595

For printouts enter Thai product names as Product Tags and update your printer template > order line template to print two lines. For example you can print Product Tag under Name.

Hi Emre

Your idea to use the product/item tag works well with the printer and kitchen printer but unfortunately does not display in Thai on the POS screen. Is there a way to display the tag, otherwise staff can only see the English.

Is there no way to create 2 lines for a product on both the POS screen and the ticket printer?


Outback Jack

emreeren's picture
Feb 03, 2014
Reputation: 595

You can display two names on menu buttons by changing menu button captions and you can wrap captions by adding \r between lines.

Hello Emre

I have the two names displayed on the menu buttons already, I understand that using the \r. This is the problem as one line is not enough to display the english and thai name in the POS window and when I print the bill, there's not enough room on one line either and the ticket is a mess.

Ideally, the button header should show both languages and the screen and the print out should wrap the lines.

The problem with using the item tag idea as the thai name for the product is that the button only shows the english name. However the printing and kitchen instructions obviously work fine.

Any other ways it can work?

emreeren's picture
Feb 06, 2014
Reputation: 595

So you can tag (order tag) all your orders with "Product tag" so you can print them to kitchen and display correctly on pos screen. For button headers you can continue using \r. 

I have the same problem as this, from another of your customers - "And another problem with Thai character, it won't align properly with charactor count method since some Thai characters place on top or bottom of previous character so, one character width can be 3 characters" - like an accent or a cedilla

Did you solve this problem because my Thai staff can't read the print outs correctly. 

The rest of what you suggested is ok - thanks



outback's picture
Mar 24, 2014
Reputation: 27

Hello again

Hi there again

I have asked this question before but it remains unanswered. I attach a scan of a bill that is supposed to be written in Thai and English.

The arrows point to Thai accents that should go above or below the letter before not in it's own space as shown. The Thais cannot read it the way it is, which is a problem for my kitchen.

What instruction need to be sent to the printer, which is an Epson U220 type.



JohnSCS's picture
Mar 24, 2014
Reputation: 271

You are limited by the fact that your printer is a dot matrix. It has limited character support.

Have you tried on a thermal printer ?

I think not because many shops and businesses here in Thailand use exactly the same printer; there has to be a command to tell the printer when printing Thai to effectively print up to three letters on top of each other.

If I copy and paste the Thai words for a product from Sambapos into say Word, then print to the ticket printer, it prints correctly.

When I asked an Epson agent here they said to check the software.

Any other ideas?



JohnSCS's picture
Mar 25, 2014
Reputation: 271

Have you tried changing the printer type to Windows Printer or HTML printer in SambaPOS?

if it works from Word, then maybe having the printer set to Ticket Printer could be the issue. 

We're getting closer, by setting the printer to 'windows printer' it now prints the Thai characters correctly.

The problem now is the alignment as all the letters now print larger - which happens to be better for my customers but you can see from the attached image, it need to be tidied up. I have tried reducing the character count as low as it will let me [33] but I can't sort it out.

So help needed again please.


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