treehousebar's picture
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 12


This has been interesting and I cannot seem to get past this - 

Had SambaPOS V2 - it crashed - - tried all I could - UNINSATLLED and removed all residual


Have now reinstalled on both my laptop and bar desktop - - works JUST fine on laptop -

When I try and open - it goes to open file Samba.presentation.exe - and comes up with this ERROR MESSAGE


Cannot connect to database with current connection settings. Please check connection string below and retry

Error Message - Format opf the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 28.

This is the connection string in the error box - - the string is right but the file is not there - and nor in the programs file - I saved the same file before I deleted and tried putting that in both the documents and also the program file and still did not work.

C:\Users\DOT COMBACKYARD\Documents\SambaPOS2\SambaData2.sdf

I really need my system back up at the bar -

The file SambaData2 is not in the documents file on the bar computer but curiously it is in the documents file on the laptop - -

Any suggestions - do I have to reinstall the whole computer ? -






6 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 271

SambaData2.sdf is your database file. You need to copy it to the desktop, placing it into the path in the connection string you have posted. 

How many terminals do you have?

I have one terminal - Ok - so I changed the connection String to this

C:\Users\DOT COM BACK YARD\Desktop\SambaData2.sdf     and now it is telling me "cannot connect with current connection string -  

What is it that I am missing - 


Thanks for your help

treehousebar's picture
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 12

AS a follow up - I copied it into the Samba docs file -  rebooted it and tried - no luck -- if I did a FRESH install should it not install a FRESH Data file?   I also notice a number of WEIRD FILE names in in the SambaDocs file on the bar computer that are not in the laptop SambaDocs file

JohnSCS's picture
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 271

Reinstalling SambaPOS will not create a new database. 

Is the SambaData2.sdf file on your desktop computer ? 

If yes, enter the full pathname to this file into the Connection String 

for example 

C:\Users\DOT COMBACKYARD\Documents\SambaPOS2\SambaData2.sdf


treehousebar's picture
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 12

Tried this - change the string to proper gor location in desktop / tried copying file to documents and that string - - am at a TOTAL LOSS why it will not open - any sugestions

treehousebar's picture
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 12

If I remove the SambaPOS.sdf from the machine and reinstall from scratch - will it then install a database

JohnSCS's picture
Apr 03, 2014
Reputation: 271

Uninstall SambaPOS. 

Remove all Ozgu Tech and SambaPOS2 folders. There will be 2 or 3. 

Reinstall SambaPOS. 

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