ggsnpdsn's picture
Apr 06, 2014
Reputation: 35

can report be printed on ticket printer?

I setup 2  ticket type printer:

one is used to print payment bill in bar,another is used to print order tiket in  kitchen,both are working well.

i want to print work period report on the printer in bar,so,i setup 3rd printer,printer name is reporter,pramaters are same as the printer in bar exclude the type is windows printer.

now,to click print button  of  report page is no response,report is not printed,why?

how to configure for my requirement:to report payment bill and  report on printer in bar.


3 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Apr 07, 2014
Reputation: 271

You need to set the Report Printer in Manage->Settings->Terminals

Printed in Chinese, how to achieve a similar effect <J00:2> tag.

now,it is wrapping


JohnSCS's picture
Apr 07, 2014
Reputation: 271

Your Line Character Count is too big in the Printer Settings. 

it is not for Line Character Count is too big,because this printer print ticket by template is ok,Line Character Count is 32(57mm),before in template set <J00:2>,print ticket is the same   problem,after set <J00> to <J00:2>,print ticket ok,but report is  not to modify in sourcecode or resolve in another way?

JohnSCS's picture
May 01, 2014
Reputation: 271

In Settings->Terminals set both printes to the bar printer. No need to have 2 separate printers defined in SambaPOS. 


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