thaicarrot's picture
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation: 2

Why this Project is so terible and bad coding?


Why this Project is so terible and bad coding?

Not scaleable, maintainable when adding more features over time,

5 answers

luckyboy48's picture
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation: 24

lots of people using this software. so you have to have respect to Mr. Mehmet and his friend and we users  for this. if you dont  like you can buy just software. we like  and we will continou to use. 

thaicarrot's picture
Jun 16, 2014
Reputation: 2

Could not accept my critcal words? I say what I see. I am not use it. If you have got some deep knowledge in C# and MEF, you would see what I see. It is true.

How can someone trust the app and uses it for business shop!. The code is not robust enough.

The code and architecture are really ugly. Instead of the code would helping me but it hit me.

emreeren's picture
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation: 595

thaicarrot instead of creating such useless comments for projects, use your deep C# knowledge to build better stuff for people.

MARC's picture
Jun 23, 2014
Reputation: 1

Hello haicarrot ,

This code is certainly not ugly, the coding is tough and requires to have good knowledge of C# and Entity framework.

kind regards, Marc

Hydros's picture
Jun 24, 2014
Reputation: 2

How do you know if the coding is terrible? You cannot even grammtically form a sentence properly, so I doubt you can even code properly.
I agree with emreeren, If you do not like it and you think it's bad, create a better program and show us. Like the old saying, "All bark, no bite."

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