trevibo's picture
Apr 24, 2016
Reputation: 7

Problem With Ticket Total

We have a cash register connected with sambapos. We pass it a txr file withe the amount of the ticket and then we obtain a invoice from the cash register. We have a problem with mixed payment. 

For example if a customer pay 100 euro (80 cash and 20 Credit card) we have to pass to the cash register only the amout of 80 euro. Using ticket toal we obtain invoice of 100 euro. 

Using PAYMENT TOTAL the we obtain one ticket of 80 euro .. but the second one of the credit card is 100 euro and not 20 euro....

how can we obtain one ticket invoice for each transaction with the correct ammount???

2 answers

Gomesh's picture
May 02, 2016
Reputation: 4

Assuming you are using default settings. i would create a ticket template to be saved as a txt file with order details then for totals I would implement formulas as per my requirement, then setup the payment action to send that text file.

trevibo's picture
May 06, 2016
Reputation: 7

Hi Gomesh, thank you for your answer. We use a virtual text print... so we add a rule on sambapos .... when we press cash or credit card sambapos create a file (scontrino.txt) with a fix text with the comand for the cash register and inside of it the total amount. now we use ticket total.

it works perfectly if we assume to pay the total amount of an order..  but if the client want to pay half in chas and half with credit card we have a problem to obtain the correct amount on the output file. in my opinion the correct way is to write inside the text file the TRANACTION AMOUNT and not the TICKET TOTAL... for example..

a ticket of 50 euros....

we select 25 euros and the cash... we should have (25 euros on the text file) then we can select 25 euros and the credit card and we obtain another txt with the 25 euros inside... we need this option because some people want to pay some products with cash or credit card and other product using a voucher or a personal account on sambapos.... if you need i can upload my sambapos configuration or the TXT file...

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