lernoutmaltas's picture
Sep 05, 2013
Reputation: 130

Appear name ticket, the ticket printing

I have created various types of tickets example:

Eat here;
Turn seek;

I tried to find a code type {TICKET TYPE} so that appears in the print, but I could not, as there appears the name of the ticket printing?

it prints when we learned that the client's delivery (to deliver) this snacking here, or turn seek request

4 answers

lernoutmaltas's picture
Sep 05, 2013
Reputation: 130

Does anyone understand the question?

JohnSCS's picture
Sep 05, 2013
Reputation: 271


or create a Printer Template for each department and map to each Ticket Type

lernoutmaltas's picture
Sep 05, 2013
Reputation: 130

The problem is that I have only one department and create many departments would be very confusing and time consuming care, when I choose the client before creating the ticket appears types of ticket getting much simpler and faster, I did not understand how it would create a map for the ticket?

JohnSCS's picture
Sep 05, 2013
Reputation: 271

Maybe the easiest would be to create a Rule to set a Ticket Tag on Ticket Created.

Name - Set Ticket Type Ticket Tag
Action - Update Ticket Tag
Tag Name - Department
Tag Value - [:Value]

Name - Set Ticket Type Ticket Tag
Event - Ticket Created
Actions - Set Ticket Type Ticket Tag, Value - [:TicketTypeName]

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