Created 3 types of printers, ticket, bar and kitchen
I made one for tichet 3 mappings to another bar and another kitchen
prints only the bar drinks.
kitchen does not print drinks.
The ticket prints all products.
I cloned the actions and rules the kitchen to the bar, have checked everything and put everything right.
what happens, the kitchen and the bar seem to be in conflict because everything I send prints to the kitchen in the bar and sometimes even prints, finally this very strange.
Someone could use 3 types of printers? Note I installed version 26
5 answers
you create the print jobs and print templates for each printer?
yes, I did several tests, I think the error associated with this user, I think there is bug when creating user accounts. After I removed the mapping for users problems stopped
i have two printers instaled, one on the ktchen and one on the POS, in the kitchen i print only the food, in the POS i print two tipes of tickets, one for the bar (cofee and Beerages) and the total ticket with prices, also i have a few users with diferents autharizations and ererithing works fine were
I'm a little confused by what you are attempting to achieve (the translation hasn't helped). Is the following what you need.
1. Drinks prints to the Bar
2. Food prints to the Kitchen
3. All orders print to a 3rd printer
Do you have only one menu or many menus?
How many terminals do you have ?
Do your users have different roles and will they order different products ?
Hi Johns
Answering questions sometimes the translation fails, but is correct
3 Printers are linked to a single computer
1 - Prints Drinks
2 - Food Prints
3 - Print all
is only 1 and Terminal 4 Tablets with Android
I could not understand the error, but I decided to remove the user account and it seems to have worked. But I will do tests to understand
Print jobs are usually filtered by the Department, Product Group or by the Terminal.
Filtering by User Role will cause issues if the User can sell in more than one department.