aRTx's picture
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation: 101

Check the SambaCard Balanc!?


Hi there,

Is there any way to check the Balanc of the Card direct on Login page from customers.

thank you!

3 answers

emreeren's picture
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation: 595

I think you meant Card balance. Can you tell us how you'll use that?


Yes you are right Card Balance.

I'm using SambaCard just like the tutorial and it is working but if the customer wants to see their Balance is it possible direct on login page.

It must show a message or a form and show Balance.


mehmet's picture
Nov 21, 2013
Reputation: 2348

Yes we do.

Select your SambaCard customer and look at Ticket title.

Show this balance alongside Customer Name or SambaCard ID number.

This balance is parenthetical Customer Balance is Credit Account.
This balance is not parenthetical, Customer Balance is Debit Account


Mehmet I knew that, but I need something new.

When SambaPos is on the login page then my clients with cards can check their balance without interrupt the waiter.

The logic is it:

Use Login form for waiters, managers and customer.

On the Login Form, the clients put the Magnetic Card on the reader and if there is any customer with that ID-number the system will show a message of their balance.

thank you

emreeren's picture
Nov 24, 2013
Reputation: 595

Hello. artx. We know what you need. That was one of the campaign projects (Kiosk project). You can visit for details.

Since funding campaign failed to reach the goal we are searching for alternative funding options. We are attending to investor meetings and applying incubation programs. I'll announce updates soon. We'll find a way to create the team for building all projects we promoised. Just keep supporting SambaPOS. We'll do it.

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