BonVivant's picture
Jul 30, 2013
Reputation: 79

End of day record and warehose geuge problem

I finish to fill the entire database again in CE


Products, inventory, recipies, order tag, Menus, Entities views, etc

I generate severals transactions and when i tried to see the warehouse it crush an when i tried to finish the work period the program feeze and it no generate the day record, please help me!!



3 answers

emreeren's picture
Jul 30, 2013
Reputation: 595

Please send your database backup to

Emre, i already checked every single modifier, product and recipies and every one looks like to be relationed correctly, i try to intall the 3.017  and do the advanced users thing with the txt file and it crush everything, with this messege i am sending you my data base again

Exist any tool to check if i lose something fixing this problem?

PD there is a ticket that i cant erase from delivery, i cant asign a deliverer and eider apears like open in tickets

emreeren's picture
Jul 30, 2013
Reputation: 595

Thank you for the backup. You did not configured recipes for some products that you've assigned to order tags (for example salsa mixta). This is the reason of the error message. If you add missing recipes error message will disappear. I'll implement something to list missing recipes on next releases.

i really apreciate your help, i will check everithing

emreeren's picture
Aug 06, 2013
Reputation: 595

Hello. I've checked your database and implemented a small function on recipe list view to find missing tickets by checking your sales. You'll receive it on next update. (PS: Your missing recipe is Tostado.Medina)

Delivery sample assumes all delivery tickets should be processed through delivery department. If not delivery state remains in "waiting" state so after closing ticket it will be visible on delivery department. If you process delivery tickets from other departments you can add an additional action to "Ticket Pay Check" rule to advance ticket delivery state to "Delivered" when paid.


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