Aksel's picture
Feb 10, 2014
Reputation: 12

Final SambaPOS setup issues

 Hi guys, I need some more help please!!!

  1. I followed the instructions precisely for adding “Printing Change Due & Amount Tendered on Receipts” which is found in the link below but I can only get it to display “Change Due and “Amount Tendered” when the user selects an amount greater (not equal!) other than the amount due e.g. “. It does not work  if the user selects “All” or chooses the exact amount in the settlement screen (the system just displays a “$” sign after “Tendered” and “Change Due”).

Example: Customer’s bill is $47.00 and the user goes to the “Settlement Screen” and clicks “All” then “Cash” or ”Card”. My Invoice then says:

Payment TOTAL:     $47.00

Tendered                             $

Change Due                        $


Why does it not display:

Payment TOTAL:     $47.00

Tendered                    $47.00

Change Due                $ 0.00


??? I am so confused

2.   I need to reset my SambaPOS V2.99 database and investigated the following link to           find the solution.


In the above link it states that: " I attached a SQL Script for you to clear all transaction data from database. If you run this script it will keep your settings but clear all tickets, work periods etc. " I cannot find any attached script in this post. Also had a quick look at the files in the SambaPos folder but nothing came to mind.

 3.   What is an elegant solution of getting SambaPOS V2.99c to open the cash drawer at the end of business without wanting to conduct a sale or let anybody other than an administrator do it? ?

4.  How can  I get SambaPOS to print out the Reports on an e.g. A4 printer rather than the normal “Ticket Printer” without manually selecting a different “Ticket Printer” then switching it back each time.

5. I print out an “Internal Receipt Docket” after each payment but I cannot get SambaPOS to print it when the customer just orders 1 item that becomes either “Void” or a “Gift”

For Example: If I would like to “Gift” an entire ticket it would not print me my “Internal Receipt Docket”.

If I were to “Gift” only 1 item on a ticket which has other (payed for) items it will list the gifted item as a “Gift”. How can I fix this?


 Thank you for all your help in advance!

2 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Feb 10, 2014
Reputation: 271

V2 is depreciated. You really should be using V3 At least. 

V2 forum is here -> http://forum2.sambapos.org And will answer a few of your questions. 

2. Try searching for "dltran" as the content of the script is listed. 

3. Execute a print job on close of work period should work. Just create a new printer template with just the cash drawer kick codes in it. 

4. V2 never had any real support for A4 printers or separate printers for reports

5. Print job may be set to print paid lines only, change to all lines. 

You really should change to V3 or V4 for a lot of new features and current support. 

Hey John,

Thanks for your reply.

How stable/ bug free is V3 or V4 for use in a commercial setting?

JohnSCS's picture
Feb 13, 2014
Reputation: 271

V3 & V4 are just as stable as V2 ever was. They are still in Beta mostly due to new features constantly being added, and refinements.

Many sites are running V3 or V4 in production.

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