cmac2021's picture
Aug 05, 2013
Reputation: 2

How can I merge Checks?

I can separte items from a check for cutomer splits. But how do I combine the items on the same ticket.

example :

Ticket 1: Chicken Parm

Ticket 2: Diet Coke

Ticket 1: Chicken Parm

              Diet coke 

              Total of both

2 answers

emreeren's picture
Aug 06, 2013
Reputation: 595

Click change table and move it to table that contains the target ticket. When you click on the table you'll see two separate tickets there. If customers will pay their own tickets you can leave them as is but if you want to merge them, select tickets by clicking their numbers and click merge...

mohamed's picture
Apr 18, 2015
Reputation: 9

Cant merge tickets contains calculations - this message apear whlie trying to merge tickets on same table

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