Zahabbiya's picture
Jul 09, 2013
Reputation: 4

How to print Invoices


I am new to this software. I want to print invoice but I cant see any button on the Ticket window or after I click Settle.

What all are the settings I have to make so that the application can connect to my printer.

Please give me precise walk through if possible.. Your help is genuinely appreciated..

1 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Jul 09, 2013
Reputation: 271

Print Bill is most likely what your looking for. Depends if Bills & Invoices are the same thing to you or they are different. By default SambaPOS is setup to use the Ticket printer.

But before you can print, you need to setup your printer.

Go to Manage->Settings->Printer->Ticket Printer

Select your Printer and Printer Type (most will use Ticket Printer as we normally just use an 80mm Thermal Printer)

Once you can print Tickets, then you need to customise your Ticket Template to suit your needs - Manage->Settings->Printer Templates->Ticket Template.



Initially the Print Bill button was visible on the Ticket no screen .. But I made some changes I guess in settings and I dont know what settings but the print bill button has disappeared.. Can you please help me with that too..

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