aRTx's picture
Mar 19, 2013
Reputation: 101

How to reply from Kitchen!?


Hi there,

Until now I have use another POS. That POS allow to reply from kitchen computer "FOOD IS RADY", and there is no need for another Thermal Printer  in Kitchen.

Is this function in SambaPOS V3?


6 answers

emreeren's picture
Mar 20, 2013
Reputation: 595

Do you have a computer in kitchen? Similar screen can be prepared by using ticket tags. Can you give more details about your case? For example do you say "food ready" by orders or by tickets? What happens when "food ready" said on kitchen computer?

BonVivant's picture
Jul 15, 2013
Reputation: 79

i think thattcould be usefull if i could have a monitor in the kitchen that list the orders with how long are in the list and at set time Ej 20 min start to alert

ShuxingLiu's picture
Jul 16, 2013
Reputation: 28

I also think the kitchen monitor function is useful. 

agilani's picture
Jan 21, 2014
Reputation: 10

Sorry I guys I am new to this, wanted to knwo if SambaPOS has a kitchen scrneen now? or does it support a KDT system?

agilani's picture
Jan 27, 2014
Reputation: 10

Hi Emreeren,

Can you ellaborate on "Similar screen can be prepared by using ticket tags". I need a kitchen display screen very badly. Nutshell, all the new orders should appear on this screen in form of a queue. Old orders are pushed towards right, while new orderes appear on the left. Kitchen staff should be able to to "Bump" the orders when are done preparing it, with an option to print the kitchen ticket.

Any advice or help?

emreeren's picture
Jan 31, 2014
Reputation: 595

We are talking about that here.

Follow this topic. It seems I'll publish a tutorial about that soon :)


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