cmac2021's picture
Aug 05, 2013
Reputation: 2

Kitchen Printer Set up

I have 2 stations and I need kitchen orders only to go to a printer in the kitchen from both stations that are in the dining room. 

Right now we have the kitchen tickets printing out on the stations and we are manually walking the tickets to the cook. 

How can I get all kitchen orders to print on kit printer in com:2 going to kitchen from station 1"server"?

Please Help :-)

1 answers

emreeren's picture
Aug 06, 2013
Reputation: 595

You can configure kitchen printer as a network printer and share it across network. Navigate to management and edit Settings > Printer > Kitchen printer and type network share name of the printer. It should be something like \\KitchenComputer\Printer


Hello ,

I have to config 2 ticket printer on SamBa V5. So let me know step by step configuration menu.

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