BonVivant's picture
Jun 30, 2013
Reputation: 79

Merge Database

i have my data base finished and i want to ad the custom pacage Delivery System but i fail every time, i dont i checked several time and i couldnt find the mistake, there are any way to merge your example whit my data base or something like that? im using sql express, if you think that is usefull to you i could send you my database, thanks a lot

3 answers

emreeren's picture
Jun 30, 2013
Reputation: 595

Sorry such merging is not possible.

These samples are useful to understand how V3 features works so you can change it for your own needs. I can help if you can give more details about what seems not working.

BonVivant's picture
Jul 01, 2013
Reputation: 79

what hapend its when i try to select the deliverer nothing happen, i already check one by one the items from the database example and i couldnt find what im doing wrong

BonVivant's picture
Jul 06, 2013
Reputation: 79

Emreeren: i finaly figure out what happend, i has using the SampaPos in Spanish lenguaje, so the program set up some parameters in spanish and others in English, i try to fix it, insted od that i get wrog the kitchen comand and i coudnt fix the delivery problem eider, i left the link to my database 

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