sukasem's picture
Sep 08, 2013
Reputation: 59

Merge Lines on Printer Templete

I post this question on Forum for a while now but no response. I better post it here ;)

I have some issues with Merge lines with modifiers (now order tag).
Let say I order:
1 Pizza $10
   *No mushroom
1 Wings $10
1 Pizza $10
   *No mushroom

When print ticket it will show:
2 Pizza $10
   *No mushroom
   *No mushroom
1 Wings $10

1 Pizza $10
   *Add Cheese $1
1 Pizza $10
   *Add Cheese $1
This will not merged

I think it should have OrderTag Number sequence like 1 2 4 16 32.... so, it gives unique number when combine numbers in sequence.
Let say:
No Mushroom is .1
No Onions is .2
Add Cheese is .4
Add shrimp is .8
if order is no mushroom and add shrimp, OrderTag# is .9. Unique Product Number will be Pizza.9. 

Thank you,


4 answers

sukasem's picture
Sep 09, 2013
Reputation: 59

Is it just me using merge lines feature? ;D

It's useful for kitchen and server when take order from big table. Server doesn't have to group the same items manually and the same as kitchen staffs.

emreeren's picture
Sep 09, 2013
Reputation: 595

What you are expecting is what we did on our first versions. That generates more issues than it solves. For example.

Order 1. Pizza. No mushroom, No Cheese
Order 2. Pizza. No mushroom, No Pepper.
Order 3. Pizza. No Pepper.

Merging them generates 

3 Pizza
- No mushroom
- No Mushroom
- No Cheese
- No Pepper
- No Pepper 

Of course we can write them in groups so we can know which pizza will have no cheese and no mushroom but when we have quanitites and prices we'll have more issues. I think kitchen personnel should not try to solve our grouping logic. So we decided to just list them one by one.

sukasem's picture
Sep 09, 2013
Reputation: 59

Hi Emre,

Oh well, right now kitchen staffs have to compare them so they can make the same item with the same modifiers at the same time.

I try to use portion instead of order tag for choice of meat at least to help them a bit but
- How to force select portion choice when item add to order
- I use {ITEM TAG} to print to kitchen but it will not show .Portion Name. Do you have Portion name variable.


JohnSCS's picture
Sep 11, 2013
Reputation: 271

I have been through this too, and we decided not to group items that have Order Tags. There were too many 'group this', but 'not this' issues.

Portion selection can not be forced like Order Tags can be.
{ITEM TAG} is used to abreviate products names for the Kitchen, but the portion will not be printed.

The last caterers at one venue kept refering to their old POS system and saying it did this and did that. What they kept forgeting was that system was $270K - you would hope it could do it. And it is harder when the caterers can't rationalise their own processes.

I always work on the principal of "Just because thats the way it's done, it doesn't mean its right". I always look for a better, simpler way of doing things. If untrained staff can walk up to our SambaPOS and process an order, then I think we are on the right track.

Oh well, right now kitchen staffs have to comparethem so they can make the same item with the same modifiers at the same time.

Why not enter one order and then change the quantity to two? Sometimes its the logic to the process thats not quite right.

Hi John,

that mean, for the large table, server have to manually consolidate the items before they can start put order in.

I know it's too many this and that but I think the way I suggest should work since I have been doing this for a year by print ticket to text file first and write Quick Basic to consolidate and print ticket later. Yes, I'm using QB since I'm not programmer and newer language too complicate for me lol.


I have a small restaurant and normally I work by myself so, very minute help me a lot on busy hour. ;)

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