kidpiper's picture
Sep 08, 2015
Reputation: 2

Multiple Kitchen Printers

Good day samba team, I have just downloaded sambapos version 4.1.82 and I am goint to implement it next week in one of my clients restaurants, he has 3 cashiers with 4 kitchen departments and has kitchen printers each..  however I was wondering if how can I be able to print 1 transaction ticket on all 4 kitchen printers at the same time. 

2 answers

mehmet's picture
Sep 09, 2015
Reputation: 2348

SambaPOS V4 forum site is

kidpiper's picture
Sep 13, 2015
Reputation: 2

Thank you I have figured out the solutions already, I just mapped the printer in print jobs.. Thanks guys... Cheers!

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