mccoy88f's picture
Jun 23, 2013
Reputation: 33

Print Cancelled Product


How to print a cancelled product in ticket

I can only print it if i print the bill (adding orders:annullato tag)

(so it print everythink)


21 answers

emreeren's picture
Jun 24, 2013
Reputation: 595

I think there is a language issue there. Are  you using Annullato tag for voided items? If so your template (kitchen template?) should contain a section like


mccoy88f's picture
Jun 24, 2013
Reputation: 33

the exact tag in italian is "annullare", it work but not as expeted

for eg.
i order a coke and an orange juice and send order
Printer print ticket

I reopen order
select coke and i cancel it.
close order, and printer don't print nothing.

If i print bill it print a coke cancelled and orange juice.

same thinks if i order a pizza and then i remove it (using kitchen printer)

I use this tag:

<J00>- {QUANTITY} {NAME} | ***Annullato***

emreeren's picture
Jun 24, 2013
Reputation: 595

I've changed to Italian and this is what I've used for "Modello Ordini Cucina" and it seems working fine. However there are two Annullare buttons. The first one should be "Void" and the other one is "Cancel". Are you using same word for both ? You should be using first one and it should turn line color to gray.

<L00>Ticket N°:{TICKET NO}




-- Format for order tags
<L00>     * {ORDER TAG NAME}

mccoy88f's picture
Jun 24, 2013
Reputation: 33

I know what is annullare button.

It turn product in gray but the problem is that it will not print it...

If i print the bill it will print it.

The problem is that if in print module i select "ony new lines" it don't print cancelled product but only new one...

I need it because in the kitchen they must know what product i remove after i send the order.

I hope i can help you 

emreeren's picture
Jun 25, 2013
Reputation: 595

You won't select only new lines on print module. I've tested it with Italian setup and it works fine for me. I'll update some settings on next setup and remove unneded settings for v3 like "only new lines". Maybe you can wait until next release and let me know if it solves your problem or not.

mccoy88f's picture
Jun 28, 2013
Reputation: 33

Hi dear.

I have with this new version (3.09 beta) i cannot print ticket like befor.

In v.2 i print a ticket in my bar printer every time i add a product to order, show only the new product. How can i do that now?
Also the pos print the cancelled product every time i remove one of this, print only the new product and the removed ones.

How can i do that? Seems to be impossible with the v.3 version...

If you want i can send you my v.2 and v.3 dbase.


emreeren's picture
Jun 28, 2013
Reputation: 595

On latest version you can load default templates on printer template editor. Can you try repairing your printer templates by clicking "Load" and choosing related templates for both ticket template and kitchen orders template?

mccoy88f's picture
Jun 29, 2013
Reputation: 33

Hi dear i have found where is the error.

I install v3.09 on a new pc (so not old setting used)

What i need is to print to bar printer (for me is the same for bill and bar ticket)
like sambapos do with kitchen print.

So i create a new Print Job and call it print "Print Bar Ticket" and i use the same setting of Print Bill print job.

Then i create a new action and i call it "Execute Bar Print" and i use the same setting of "Execute Kitchen Orders Print Job" excluded PrintJobName where i put "Print Bar Ticket"

Then i modify Ticket Closed Rule (in Rules) and i  add my "Execute Bar Print" immediately after "Execute Kitchen Orders Print Job" (or before it's the same).

With this setting it shoud print in the same mode like kitchen printer, but it don't print nothing.

If i try to change in action "Execute Kitchen Orders Print Job" the printjobname in "Print Bar Ticket" it work as expeted but of course kitchen don't work...

How can i do that? MANY MANY Thanks!

emreeren's picture
Jun 29, 2013
Reputation: 595

Hello mccoy88f. Instead of modifying existing rule, creating a new rule might be easier. 

Create a new rule > Handle "Ticket Closing" event and add required actions. But if it runs after kitchen print it may not work because kitchen print changes order states (from new to submitted) to prevent duplicate printing. By clicking "Sort Rules" link you can move this rule to top order.

mccoy88f's picture
Jun 30, 2013
Reputation: 33

it don't work also if i sort and make my rule the first...

So any news? Have you tried it?

emreeren's picture
Jul 02, 2013
Reputation: 595

Let me understand your need better. Do you want to:

  • Send an exact copy of kitchen printout to bar printer.
  • Food orders to Kitchen Printer and Bar orders to bar printer.

Which one?

mccoy88f's picture
Jul 03, 2013
Reputation: 33

the second

emreeren's picture
Jul 03, 2013
Reputation: 595

You have nothing to do with rules. When a ticket closed "Print Orders to Kitchen Printer" Print Job runs automatically with new added lines.

You can edit this printjob and add new map rows to map different product groups to different printers.

mccoy88f's picture
Jul 03, 2013
Reputation: 33

It works... But if i want to print all to 2 printer it don't work.
For me work (print drink to bar and food to kitchen)

emreeren's picture
Jul 03, 2013
Reputation: 595

:) mccoy88f I asked which one do you need?

  • Send an exact copy of kitchen printout to bar printer.
  • Food orders to Kitchen Printer and Bar orders to bar printer.

And you said second.

To be able to help you I need to understand it. What do you mean by "print all to 2 printer" ? Do you need to print whole kitchen orders from both kitchen printer and bar printer at the same time?

mccoy88f's picture
Jul 03, 2013
Reputation: 33


I need 1 things:

Print all the order to the bar printer (food and drink)
But like the kitchen printout i need that everytime i add a product, or remove it printout to the bar printer... So it is different from print bill.

Do you understand me? 

emreeren's picture
Jul 04, 2013
Reputation: 595

Do you want to print New Orders and Voids "automatically" on kitchen and bar printers at the same time?

mccoy88f's picture
Jul 05, 2013
Reputation: 33

Yes... same new order to 2 printer... In the kitchen i need only food, and in bar i need food and drink.


mccoy88f's picture
Jul 10, 2013
Reputation: 33

SO? any news???

emreeren's picture
Jul 10, 2013
Reputation: 595

You need to add your print job action just after printing kitchen orders . To be able to do this you need to remove last two actions, save it and add bar print job action and the remaining actions.

Be sure to note removed action parameters somewhere before removing them. You'll need these values to setup them correctly. 

emreeren's picture
Jul 10, 2013
Reputation: 595

And if you wait for the next release you'll be able to sort them from "Select Actions" screen without the need of removing current actions.

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