BonVivant's picture
Aug 04, 2013
Reputation: 79


here is my problem

when i try to create the recipie Bastones de Muzzarella it tell me: there is another recipie to Bastones de muzzarella, there is any way to find were is asigned this product because i have a lot of recipies and it is hard to do it one by one, thanks

2 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Aug 04, 2013
Reputation: 271

Via the database only. This is where it is important to name your Recipes the same as your Products to make it easier to find. Besides its only one recipe per product anyway.

Using the SQL Management Studio
1. FInd the Product ID in MenuItems
2. Find the Product Portion ID (using Product ID) in MenuItemPortions
3. Find the Recipe Name (using Menu Item Portion ID) in Recipes

PS - I just raised an Issue for this problem to make this situation easier to resolve in the future.

BonVivant's picture
Aug 04, 2013
Reputation: 79

ok, thank you, i solve it!

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