Hi there :)
cash drawer open on "print bill" button which is kinda annoying becasue the customer didnt pay yet, and on "cash" button in the "settle" screen - it doesnt
I searched for answers and found the tutorial for adding automation and a button for "open Drawer" but it still annoying to open drawer manually and then press the cash button
Is there a way to solve it?
6 answers
OK i managed to solve 1 issue - open drawer while clicking the Cash button, by:
1. creating the "open drawer" tutorial - http://www.sambapos.org/en/content/cash-drawer-1
2. on Rules->Ticket Payment Check-> i added the "Execute Open Drawer" action.
works like a charm!
But still cant figure out how to avoid drawer opens while "Print Bill"
Pls advice! :)
Create a New Print Template for Open Drawer.
Create a New Print Job for Open Drawer.
Create an Action "Execute Print Job" for Open Drawer.
Create a New Rule with "Payment Processed" Event, Select Print Job Action.
That will do.
already did the above except in the new Rule i selected Äutommation Command Excecuted instead of Payment Proccess and it open the drawer perfectly - this difference matters?
hmmm. i checked my printer properties (im using btp-2002np printer) in windows operating system and executed a test page - it also opened the drawer...*sigh*
Am sure in the printer properties there is a command for opening cashdrawer by printing. check all tabs in the printer properties
Hello maybe I didn't get it but if you have already set a cash button shortcut on your screen. In this rules you have just to add "cash drawer print job template" action