Comandante_J's picture
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 13

One product in various sub-categories.

Hi all, yet again, i'm in need of your help guys...

I have an extensive list of wines, right now they are in one category: Wine, this has three sub-categories: Red Wine, White Whine, Sparkling&Other. And these sub-categories have another sub-category: Glass.

I offer some of my wines in two options, either the entire bottle, or only one glass.

Like this:

Product name   -   SubCategory Tag

Wine 1                -   Red Wine

Wine 2                -   Red Wine,Glass

What this does is split the wines with glass option into a sub-sub-category, dissapearing from the sub-category.

So i would like to know if there is a way to have those wines in both categories, so in Wine>Red Wine i have "Wine 1" and "Wine 2", and in Wine>Red Wine>Glass i have "Wine 2"

I hope i've explained myself, English is not my first language.

Thanks in advance

2 answers

JohnSCS's picture
best answer
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 271

You would have to enter the products twice that have the Glass option. When adding products to a category, right click the left list to show all added products again. 

Comandante_J's picture
Apr 02, 2014
Reputation: 13

I didn't think that was possible, but it works perfectly.

Now that i'm getting the hang of it, i cant belive that this POS system isn't more popular.

Thanks again, John, you helped me twice today!

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