apsar's picture
Oct 04, 2015
Reputation: 6

Problem with Google Maps

I tried to create a custome screen with google maps to show the direction to the delivery address. But It seems the browser control is not compatible latest google maps. It says "Unsupported Browser". Any help appreciated.

3 answers

mehmet's picture
Oct 05, 2015
Reputation: 2348

Upgrade your Internet Explorer verison.

apsar's picture
Oct 06, 2015
Reputation: 6


I am using customized version of 3.035 Beta which has the problem. Now I tried with newly downloaded Samba POS V 3.035 which works fine. I tried to compare the browser control code, but no difference. Is there anyway i can just move the control related code to the customized code as I have completely changed the sturucture of the code.

apsar's picture
Oct 29, 2015
Reputation: 6

I finally managed to edit the registry to point to the Latest internet explorer.

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