miketindi@hotmail.com's picture
Dec 18, 2015
Reputation: 2

help building an extension

Hi, I am building an extension to this system but having trouble creating Menu categories dynamically. I am using the following pieces of code.

foreach (string aCategory in categories) { // The Category View model . add aCategory  ScreenMenuCategory aNewCategoryModel = new ScreenMenuCategory(); aNewCategoryModel.Name = aCategory; aNewCategoryModel.ScreenMenuId = aMenu.Model.Id; Dao.RemoveFromCache(aNewCategoryModel as ICacheable); _workspace.Update(aNewCategoryModel); _workspace.CommitChanges();


And I have also tried the following.

EntityCollectionViewModelBase allMenuItems = new EntityCollectionViewModelBase(); ERPScreenMenuViewModel aMenu = new ERPScreenMenuViewModel(); // aMenuCollection.GetMainMenu(); aMenu = allMenuItems.Items[0]; aMenu.Categories.Add(new ScreenMenuCategoryViewModel(new ScreenMenuCategory(aCategory)));


Dao.RemoveFromCache(aMenu.Model as ICacheable);



What could be the problem? I am using the same _workspase.Update and commitChanges to create MenuItems but its the Categories that are not getting created. Are there any business rules that are preventing it from getting created?

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