lernoutmaltas's picture
Jul 02, 2013
Reputation: 130

Delivery rate by region custom package delivery system

very cool tutorial on custom package delivery system (http://www.sambapos.org/en/content/custom-package-delivery-system) but I have a question, I searched everywhere and could not answer if quize I put up a delivery charge for each region as I do? example clients resident in region 1 pay $ 3.90 to those who reside in region 2 pay $ 4.90, those who reside in Region 3 would pay 1.80.

thank you

3 answers

emreeren's picture
Jul 02, 2013
Reputation: 595

Good question. I'll prepare a documentation about it.

Hi Emreeren

Would not it be something simple such as

The Action to update tax


> Selected entity = Customers

> Custom Entity = Data Region (Here I do not know how to call the region1)


emreeren's picture
Jul 02, 2013
Reputation: 595
lernoutmaltas's picture
Jul 06, 2013
Reputation: 130

Very good! 10 Note this option for delivery thank emreeren

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