buran666's picture
Jul 25, 2013
Reputation: 3

Demo printer output encoding

Hello. This POS is f...ng great, so flexible :). Two questions in one post - do you plan adding suppliers in v3, these are requested a lot. Second question - is it possible for teh demo printer to print text in other (not unicode) encodings. Changing code page seems to have no effect on the output. I have browsed the code and found where the file is generated, but using Encoding.Convert there also seems to have no effect - output is always UTF.

I need this because I am using (for test purposes for now, if I succeed I will post in the forum) fiscal printers with Samba, which use third party driver, taking a text file and printing it to the device.... but when I use the files generated by Samba the fiscal device receives garbage ( it expects CP856/866 cyrrilic... or clean windows 1251 formatted text, unicode is unknown to it :). If you can add this , almost any fiscal device wil be possible, as most manufacutrers have such drivers (translating text file and sending it to the fiscal device)... And from this point it's only a matter of making the right template and voilla, ECR support :)...

2 answers

emreeren's picture
Jul 25, 2013
Reputation: 595

Hello, It is possible to track supplier finances but it does not integrated to purchase transactions so it has to be done manually. In future releases we'll implement better support for that.

Demo printer should use UTF-8 because it's main purpose is sending data to notepad. I've implemented new printer under Custom Printer > Save to File printer but like demo printer it does not encode by printer codepage. I've fixed it so on next release (3.0.16) it should work like you describled.


Thanks , I'll await the next beta eagerly, as intgrating fiscal device printing is the only really important thing missing for me now.

As a workaround to missing suppliers, I have created new warehouse type "Suppliers" and corrected the "Trransaction type" to default to "Suppliers" warehouse type for the source of transaction... It works, for now, and quantities (with minus sign of course :) and price are correctly written in the transactions database. It's only a matter of right query string and multiplying quantites by -1 and voilla, I have the suppliers data.. I have some worries though - do you think that such approach can damage the databse in some way? Like having too big negative quantites being a trouble, or maybe some problems in calculation of the average product price etc.?


emreeren's picture
Jul 25, 2013
Reputation: 595

Wow you perfectly got how it should work. Negative values is not an issue since we intended to track supplier data that way. Transaction values are not real negative values in database.  The missing piece is ability to configure warehouses as "our warehouse" or "supplier warehouse" and that will change how we'll display values.

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