When we update the inventory/price, it would be easy to use number than detail product name. E.g When we receive inventory items from our vendor, they have a unique id for each one e.g 0600-1234 where 0600 is item category and 1234 is item number.
In SambaPOS2, I have used 0600 as GroupCode and 0600-1234 as a bar code.
2 answers
How do you use that unique id?
When we update the inventory/price, it would be easy to use number than detail product name. E.g When we receive inventory items from our vendor, they have a unique id for each one e.g 0600-1234 where 0600 is item category and 1234 is item number.
In SambaPOS2, I have used 0600 as GroupCode and 0600-1234 as a bar code.
I think https://github.com/emreeren/SambaPOS-3/issues/110 issue relates with your need.