sukasem's picture
Oct 01, 2013
Reputation: 59

Order Tag States

Would that be possible to add order tag states as well?

For small touch screen, some time order tags can't fit in one screen. It's not easy to tab scroll bar. So, I can set up Automation command to display more tags. It's good for discount by order tag as well since we don't want to display that option all the time right.


4 answers

emreeren's picture
Oct 01, 2013
Reputation: 595

Sorry couldn't get it. "Order Tags" and "Order States" are different settings. Which one do you mean by "order tag states" and where do you want to add them?

Setting->Ticket->Order Tag->Mapping

If you could make like when we create automation button, we have visible state, enable state.

Or just add big button Up Down next to Remove, Close (Up, Down). BTW, remove button is rarely use because most of order tags is toggled button which is removed by click that button again. It's only need for the one that we group together and have only max 1 choice. If you could make one choice is order tag group name itself which is no choice selected, and better or user so, they know what group is this button. I know it show order tag group name at first but after user click it, it will not show group name again. 

I also suggest add up down button in order line screen as well for ease of use on tablet or touch screen without the need of a mouse.

emreeren's picture
Oct 02, 2013
Reputation: 595

Can you send a screen shot of the order tag screen?

sukasem's picture
Oct 02, 2013
Reputation: 59

Just try on Android table with 2X app which is very good and I can do 2 fingers swipe up or down and screen will scroll so, this shouldn't be an issue on tablet but low resolutions LCD with bezel it's hard to press scroll bar. 

emreeren's picture
Oct 02, 2013
Reputation: 595

You should be able to scroll by swiping your finger on screen. 

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