aRTx's picture
Oct 13, 2013
Reputation: 101

Report between two dates!?


If I want to report from 26 september to 10 October!

Can you please make Date Time Picker at the report?

I'm writing the Date on the right but it is not working, it is limited by your choice like

Today, Yesterday, This week,... There is no custom yourself.

3 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Oct 13, 2013
Reputation: 271

Enter a start and finish date and click refresh. 

I try that method but it is not working.

After I entered the dates I click Refresh, then the program automaticly change the dates to current date.

This doesn't work to Reports, that methot works to Tickets form.

Thank you,



QMcKay's picture
Oct 15, 2013
Reputation: 17

It works for Reports in my version (3.0.28), in the format DD MM YYYY.

aRTx's picture
Oct 15, 2013
Reputation: 101

I have installed SambaPOS 3.0.28

It doesn't work.

Should I have a specific format date and time for SambaPOS?

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