Also, look at the Rule and Action for "Settle", and you should get the general idea...
Create an Automation Command (button) named for your needs (ie. "Cash"). Then you need to set up an Action for the Cash button, and a Rule based on "Automation Command Executed", with AutomationCommandName=Cash, to fire the Action for Cash...
3 answers
Because it is now under Automation Commands.
Please can you explain how to do that one.
I try more than two hours, I have try a Automatjion Commands.
Can you tell me what should have Cash button on Actions and Rule?
Can anyone tell me how to put cash "Under Ticket"
Look here, at the "Settle" button, under "Mappings":
Automation > Automation Commands > Settle > Mappings
Also, look at the Rule and Action for "Settle", and you should get the general idea...
Create an Automation Command (button) named for your needs (ie. "Cash"). Then you need to set up an Action for the Cash button, and a Rule based on "Automation Command Executed", with AutomationCommandName=Cash, to fire the Action for Cash...