Hi all.
First of all, i have to say THANK YOU for this magnificent project. The beautiful interface, easy of use, and accesibility are on par with the most expensive POS softwares i've tested.
I'm opening a restaurant in a couple of weeks, so i'm configuring the POS to have it ready for the opening day.
So far i've benn doing well enough, adding products it's easy, everything works as expected, etc, but i have a little problem with the tickets.
I want the final ticket to print out the toal ammount for multiple items (right now it prints, for example:
3xDrinks 1.60€
1.60 is the price for ONE drink. It then adds for the total ticket value, but it can be confusing for the costumer to see one price in the products line, and then a mucho bigger price in the total.
Another issue, is that i cant make it print the quantity that the customer gives, and the change.
I want to have 4 lines for total price, First, total to pay, then a small line with taxes ammount (both of these work), then i want a line where it says the ammount of money the costumer gives me, and another line printing the change i give to him.
For example:
TOTAL: 15.00€
TAX: 1.50€
Client gives: 20€
Change: 5€
Those two last lines, i'm unable to configure, i've tried so many times, and cant get it right.
I'm using both V2 and BETA V3, tried hard on both of them, no luck so far.
So, can anybody help me with this?
5 answers
Have you tried following this tutorial?
Yeah, i've read it and it served me well for getting the feel of it, but i cant find the correct parameters to put there, no matter what i write there, i dont fint the code to display cash received and change.
Could anybody show me a little example?
Try this, it has a model
Thanks! i'll try that.
But i only see product grouping and totals there, that wouldn't solve the other issue, would it?
At least here in Spain, almos every commerce writes the change in the ticket, so it's kinda important.
This wil give you:
3 Drinks 1.00 3.00
-- Default format for orders
This wil give you SubTotal, Taxes, Total, Tendered, Change:
<J00>Subtotal:|[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}')-TN('{TAX TOTAL}'))]
<J00>Taxes:|{TAX TOTAL}
[<J00>Change:|{TICKET TAG:ChangeDue}]
<J00>{PAYMENT NAME}: | {TICKET TAG:TenderedAmount}
But you need to look at the V2 Tutorial to configure the Rules and Actions for "ChangeDue" and "TenderedAmount" Ticket Tags, since they are not stored by default... http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,218.msg1144.html#msg1144