evail's picture
Dec 02, 2013
Reputation: 78

Custom Delivery


So far I have setup Custom Package Delivery.

In the documentation you have mentioned

"We need another action to change ticket deliverer. This action does it. Please notice this rule also reads selected deliverer name from program settings with {:Deliverer} setting name. We'll store selected deliverer name when we click Deliverer button."

This is the part where i am getting confused. Should I make a Update Program Setting Action to Store Selected Deliverers Name?


4 answers

emreeren's picture
Dec 02, 2013
Reputation: 595

Yes you'll need an "Update Program Setting" action named as "Store selected Deliverer name". You'll execute it from "Loop Tickets when deliverer selected" rule.

Hi Emre,

I have sent my test Db to your email. Can you please check and let me know what i am doing wrong.

For 3 days straight I have being testing this to no avail.


You're right. I've noticed command rule have breaking changes after we prepared that document. In automation command executed rule [:Value] parameter renamed to [:CommandValue] and for Value Looper it renamed to [:LoopValue]. We'll update sample database and let you know that. If you need it asap you can try checking database from Turkish version of the document.

evail's picture
Dec 02, 2013
Reputation: 78

I am unable to use the Sample Database in the Custom Package Delivery Documentation.

Is it possible to reupload a new one or send me a new one?


emreeren's picture
Dec 03, 2013
Reputation: 595

Hello evail. I've checked it and noticed there are some changes with automation command and value looper rule parameters. On new versions of SambaPOS [:Value] parameter renamed as [:CommandValue] and [:LoopValue]. We've updated sample database for v.3.0.33. You can download it from documentation page and test if it works fine or not.


evail's picture
Dec 03, 2013
Reputation: 78

Now tested and it works great. Thanks a lot.

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