evail's picture
Dec 08, 2013
Reputation: 78

Entity Screens in Create Ticket Method


I have set up Custome Package Delivery System, and set the department in Create Ticket Method. Basically I want to enter the Orders first then the Customer Details.

So when I select an entity screen eg, Select Customer, i do not see other Entity Screen Tabs, and also there is no back button so that i can go back to POS Screen without selecting a customer.

Is there a possible way to correct this. maybe an additional function?


6 answers

lernoutmaltas's picture
Dec 09, 2013
Reputation: 130

Yes there is, do not know if I can explain more've had this problem, you need to create an entity and assign it to the department where they are using to select the first client, when the client does not want to just click on the client

evail's picture
Dec 10, 2013
Reputation: 78

Sorry, but i did not understand you.

emreeren's picture
Dec 11, 2013
Reputation: 595

You can click "No Customer" button.

evail's picture
Dec 12, 2013
Reputation: 78

If I dont select any Menu Items, then there is no "No Customer" Button. If I do select some Menu Items, then it is there. I think I can manage that way.

But the other issue of not being able to see the other Entity Screens. For example, when i go to Customers Entity Screen am not able to see the Deliverers Entity Screen and vice versa.

emreeren's picture
Dec 12, 2013
Reputation: 595

You'll see deliverers entity screen when you click "Select Deliverer" button. Doesn't it make sense?

evail's picture
Dec 12, 2013
Reputation: 78

ok i understand your point. I was thinking If I select any I would be able to see both the Entity Screens.

When i was further looking in to this i came accross this situation. what i did is, select a Menu Item, then click on "Select Deliverer" instead of "Select Customer". then i click on "No Deliverer" which sends me back to POS Screen. Now my Delivery Status shows as Delivering without any Deliverer Selected. Then I select a customer and close the order. in Delivery Entity Screen the order shows in the Ticket Lister 2 without any deliverer.

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