1 answer

When login the Application, then pos, accounts icons are disabled, please tell me how to resolve it

prasad's picture
asked on May 28, 2014 and it has 2433 views.
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Hi there,

When move tables, the time of creation of ticket is new.

How can we keep both information "Ticket time creation" and "Ticket time moved"?

thank you.

aRTx's picture
asked on May 19, 2014 and it has 2019 views.
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1 answers

Hi there,

How to stop "Change the Table"?

I can stop move items but not tables!

Thank you.


aRTx's picture
asked on May 19, 2014 and it has 11618 views.
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2 answers

hi, does  anyone know if i can run Sambapos on this tablet using windows 8???

mithon's picture
asked on May 16, 2014 and it has 6244 views.
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I have existing loyalty card type customers, say "directors", "gold" & "silver" with existing discounts levels applying to them.

outback's picture
asked on May 14, 2014 and it has 2134 views.
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When a work period start, I want to enter opening balance


riyas.k13's picture
asked on May 08, 2014 and it has 2102 views.
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1 answer

Hey everyone i have to printers in the kitchen that i need both of them to print send to kitchen job


how can i get this done ?


indypctech's picture
asked on May 07, 2014 and it has 2488 views.
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1 answer

hello everyone  i download it and compile the sourcode everything is working fine but i cannot get it to print void on my ticket on the kitchen  here is my layout


indypctech's picture
asked on May 07, 2014 and it has 3293 views.
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How to show the prices of items and total amount as three places of decimel as 3.254 BHD(Bahrain Dinar)

riyas.k13's picture
asked on May 02, 2014 and it has 1949 views.
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2 answers

Hey everyone i would like to know if there is a way to print the customers Address on a ticket for Delivery using the Customer Input ?

indypctech's picture
asked on May 01, 2014 and it has 5188 views.
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