1 answers

Yeni Varlık ekranı yapıyorum görünümü özel yapıyorum Ticket lister ayarladığım zaman boş çıkıyor hiç bir hareket görünmüyor

Şimdiden teşekkür ederim

mehmet kiriş's picture
asked on Jan 03, 2018 and it has 1692 views.
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Hello All,

Bexters's picture
asked on Jan 02, 2018 and it has 1725 views.
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already i register in cp.sambapos to buy license but till now if try to sign in message of fail authintication come

asked on Jan 02, 2018 and it has 1993 views.
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kafe'de nargileciyle %50 %50 anlaşılmış.  sambapos v5 pro kullanılıyor
her gece kafe kapanırken gün sonu raporundan kaç adet nargile satıldıysa ona göre hesaplaşılıyor.

buskas's picture
asked on Dec 29, 2017 and it has 1768 views.
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Açık Adisyonları Bu şekilde sambapos 4 te göstermemiz mümkünmü acaba

mehmet kiriş's picture
asked on Dec 16, 2017 and it has 1652 views.
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Muratyemisci's picture
asked on Dec 11, 2017 and it has 4266 views.
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How can i change suggested amount list


also want to create cash register when i close work period

like how many dollar i have in cash drawer

sonimohit31@gmail.com's picture
asked on Dec 08, 2017 and it has 1776 views.
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Hello, i have question about wrapping. my customers have 2 special field as "Phone" and "Plate". When a create ticket, the customer appearing their names.

asked on Nov 28, 2017 and it has 1636 views.
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2 answers

Merhaba, Sambapos3 kullanıyorum. Müşterilere e ait isim ve telefon bilgisinin iki satırda gösterilmesini istiyorum. teks atırda olduğunda fontlar çok küçülüyor.

asked on Nov 28, 2017 and it has 1748 views.
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user0431's picture
asked on Nov 22, 2017 and it has 1854 views.
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