Lets say i have a customer that cant pay his ticket that time and ask to pay it next time and im alowing it (a VIP customer).
i searched for accountings and states and payment types and im still confused how to do it exacly step by step.
i "end working period" every day and right now i cannot end it with an open ticket unless i delete or set gift to the ticket items.
i need to save his ticket for payment next time
4 answers
OK i finally got it to work as described, now i have 2 issues:
1. lets say i have a customer that i created him account, he has 2 unpaid tickets sum of 100 that he will pay next time, so for now he owes me 100 and in the account screen on his account - the balance is 100. the thing is that it doesnt show it as -100 (minus 100). also, lets say the next day he pays 150 cash - so now his balance should be 50 (as plus).
at the grand total if he has a credit of 50 - it shows as (50.00) and if he owes me 50 it shows as 50.00, its kinda confusing (it took me few minutes to understand if he owes me or i owe him..)
2. lets say this same customer has an open ticket of 20, then i settle it as "customer account" in the payment screen (he will pay it next time), then in Reports-> Work Period Report, that 20 he owes me (didnt pay it yet) is included in the "TOTAL INCOME". my question is how can i exclude it from TOTAL INCOME?
1. You can use account balance display format of entity type to customize balance display. It should be formatted as positive;negative;zero. For example
he should pay #.00;we'll pay #.00;nothing
I'm not sure how positive or negative numbers should be worded but I think you got the idea.
2. You can't. Since we display customer account transactions under payments we should also add that amount to total income to keep report in balance.
OK i pasted your example and i dont see it anywhere, still shows as original format, i even logout and exit sambapos