ShuxingLiu's picture
Sep 09, 2013
Reputation: 28

How to reserve?

Sometimes customer will phone me that they want to researve a table and come to my restaurant at 12:00 clock for example. Customers order menu item after they come to my restaurant. I need to save the table name, the customer name and the customer telephone number and when they will come here in reservation information. How to setup? Thanks for your help.

5 answers

sukasem's picture
Sep 09, 2013
Reputation: 59

1. Create an item in Product name Reserved Table $0.01 and add to menu

2. Create new States in Setting
    -Name: Reserved
    -Group Code: Status
    -State Type: Entity State
    -Color: Your choice

3. Create Rule in Automation
    -Rule Name: Reserve Table Rule
    -Event Name: Order added to ticket 
    -Custom Constraint or Condition: Menu Item Name = Reserved Table 
    -Actions: Update Ticket Status->Status: Reserved
                   Update Entity State-> Status: Reserved

4. You may filter your print job not to print this Reserved Table item to kitchen

How it works:

  1. Click table you want to reserve
  2. Click Select Customer Button-> Search or add customer...
  3. Add Reserved Table item to order
  4. Close Ticket, done. Table view will show your reserved table with your choice of color.
  5. When customer place an order, you may void the Reserved Table item 

PS: I try to set the state without adding the item to an order but it will reset everthing. Please chime in if you have any solution. 

ShuxingLiu's picture
Sep 09, 2013
Reputation: 28

Thanks for your quick response, John. It had better not reset everything without adding item. I have no better solution now. 

I'm not John lol. Yeah, normally only John post Automation solution. I'm learning it in past couple days.

Oh, sorry. You are as professional as him. 


The only issue I see is that you need to make sure that the Reserve Status update for the entity is after the normal 'occupied' or orange Status in the Ticket Closing Rule. Otherwise it will not show properly. 

lol. In fact there is no reason not to create another entity type as Table Reservations and add new set of tables to track reservations. It can have it's own entity screen, own colors and also we can create a custom screen to add few automation buttons to toggle entity's reservation states. 

While writing this I thought it might be a good idea to configure entity grids to execute automation commands instead of creating tickets. What do you think?

ShuxingLiu's picture
Sep 11, 2013
Reputation: 28

Hi, all of you are so smart! And I support the idea that entity grids executing automation commands to save reservation information. 

tanjuekiz's picture
Sep 17, 2013
Reputation: 3

Don't vergot the " close " not in automation rules after entity state

if you don't do it its can't be close by tickets (sambapos V3)


tanjuekiz's picture
Sep 17, 2013
Reputation: 3


See the picture

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