The error you are getting - "Message Server Error" is not a database error. This means that the Message Server is not running - this provides real time updates between terminals for Entity status (and a few other things) in SambaPOS.
When you install SambaPOS, right at the end, the installer gives you an option to run the Message Server, you need to enable this and only enable it on one computer.
Then in Manage->Settings->Local Settings you set Message Server Name to the computer that is running the Message Server (John-PC for example) and the Message Server Port (8383 is default)
If all is good, you get a green "Connected" message at the bottom of the screen.
9 answers
Images of the problem
Are you paying the Ticket using the Customer Account button?
version 3.0.26
Which database are you using?
how to do i find out what database i am using.
Bottom left corner of login screen.
TX is Text based database. This is very limiting in what can be done in SambaPOS. It is used only for testing basic features of SambaPOS.
You need to use Compact SQL 4.0 or SQL Express 2008/2012.
I suggest SQL Express, as its not hard to setup, and if you ever go into production you are already multi terminal ready.
Look here ->
when i go in to the program setting idon't gte the screen to enter Data source=localhost\SAMBAPOS3; User Id=sa; Password=sambapos
version 3.0.36 beta ce
Manage->Settings->Local Settings->Data Connection String
But the database you are now using is CE -> Compact SQL
For the data source string you have shown you need to have SQL Express installed.
If you want to use Compact SQL then the usual data connection string is
data source=C:\Users\{user profile}\Documents\SambaPOS3\SambaPOS3.sdf
Will you run more than one terminal with this setup ?
hi i have do the data souce but messagae error
see the image below
Ok, you are running SQL Express. Thats good.
The error you are getting - "Message Server Error" is not a database error. This means that the Message Server is not running - this provides real time updates between terminals for Entity status (and a few other things) in SambaPOS.
When you install SambaPOS, right at the end, the installer gives you an option to run the Message Server, you need to enable this and only enable it on one computer.
Then in Manage->Settings->Local Settings you set Message Server Name to the computer that is running the Message Server (John-PC for example) and the Message Server Port (8383 is default)
If all is good, you get a green "Connected" message at the bottom of the screen.
C:\ProgramData\Ozgu Tech\SambaPOS3\SambaSettings.txt
<MessagingServerPort>8080</MessagingServerPort><TerminalName>Server</TerminalName><ConnectionString>Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=false;Initial Catalog=SambaPOS3;User ID=UserSAMBA;password=SMBA1234;server=</ConnectionString>