tybreizh29's picture
Mar 05, 2014
Reputation: 3

Kitchen specific display and feedback


I'm new and lost in all the possibilities of the software, I 've got a question.

I saw a lot of messages but I'm still confused.

In my Kitchen Display I want the list of orders with only some catégories of plates.

The kitchen could push a button to say, it's ready.

Example :


2   chicken        salad                              [It's ready button]

3 steack  rear   french fries                    [It's ready button]


Once ready pressed the line diseapear.


Thanks for some help, I'm lost.


2 answers

tybreizh29's picture
Mar 05, 2014
Reputation: 3

lol, i forgot the question !

how shall I do to achieve my goal ?

JohnSCS's picture
Mar 07, 2014
Reputation: 271
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