user0431's picture
Jul 17, 2013
Reputation: 19

some minor problems

Hi, first of all, you make a fantastic job! the software is brilliant, easy to use.

I've only two minor problems. I can't place the number of the table/or the name of the costumer to the ticket, or bill, and can't print the bill automaticly after hitting the cash button, as it was @ the V2.99


Thank you in andvance for your help




10 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Jul 17, 2013
Reputation: 271

1. Post your printer template so we can see what your missing

2. Do you want the bill to print for all payments or only cash?

user0431's picture
Jul 19, 2013
Reputation: 19

An automaticly printed bill will be great for all pay types, and the possibility to print more then just one bill on the same table.


Thank you

emreeren's picture
Jul 19, 2013
Reputation: 595

There might be translation issue in your template. You can click Load (Betölt) and choose related default template to refresh it with updated language variables.

If you edited your template you'll loose these changes so if you need save current template somewhere before loading a default template.

user0431's picture
Jul 20, 2013
Reputation: 19

That worked fine, I have now the table number printed. Thank you emreeren! The next thing would be the automatized bill printing after hitting the cash or creditcard button.


Very good work ..

emreeren's picture
Jul 20, 2013
Reputation: 595

There are lots of possibilities but the easiest one is editing "Ticket Payment Check" rule and adding "Execute Print Bill Job" to the end of actions list. That prints the bill everytime a ticket is fully settled.

user0431's picture
Jul 20, 2013
Reputation: 19

Thanks for the fast answer. It works ! this solution brought an other problem for me. How to print bill separated for each guest if they would like so?

emreeren's picture
Jul 20, 2013
Reputation: 595

It depends on how you split bills. For example if you use the order selector on "Payment Screen" for splitting you can create a new print job and select "Last Paid Orders" as Printing Content. If you do so you need to create a new action like "Execute Print Bill Job" action and name it as "Execute Print Last Paid Orders Job". Since you need to print bills everytime you process a payment instead of Ticket Paymen Check rule you need to create a new rule for "Payment Processed" event and call "Execute Print Last Paid Orders Job"

Just back from holiday, thanks for your bold answer!

Just read the questions over, and didn't find answer for my next few problems. sorry for my poor english.. i'll need the possibility to add some text to an item on the order. for example: pizza margherita as an item "without cheese" as an extra text for the kitchen. hope you know what i mean. 

and how to print more currencys on the bill like HUF and EUR?

thanks in advance


user0431's picture
Aug 05, 2013
Reputation: 19

Hello , problem solved with the free text, now I just need how to print the total on the bill both currencys. huf and eur

Thanks in advance

emreeren's picture
Aug 05, 2013
Reputation: 595

You can use expressions for that. With expressions you can calculate any amount. For example

[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}' * 0.1)]

Prints %10 of the ticket total. You can change 0.1 part with exchage rate. TN and F functions are useful to change numbers to formatted numbers. TN (to number) changes 1,000.00 to 1000 so you can make calculations. F (format) changes 1000 to 1,000.00 so you can display calculations as formatted numbers.

user0431's picture
Aug 06, 2013
Reputation: 19

Thanks for your fast answer, sorry but my english is poor. don't understand exactley. will you please write an example line where stands total in HUF and with smaller characters in euros at 0.04 eur/huf rate

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