brainhell's picture
Sep 21, 2013
Reputation: 5

Can I use a Bematech 4000mp fiscal printer?

Hi, I've installed the Samba POS (Great software man!!!!), and in my country the sales tax is the "I.V.A.". How can i print fiscal bills? The bill must have a "subtotal", "IVA amount" and "total".


Thanks in advance.....


7 answers

sukasem's picture
Sep 21, 2013
Reputation: 59

You can try using Generic Text Only printer driver build in from Microsoft.

JohnSCS's picture
Sep 22, 2013
Reputation: 271

Does your country require you to use a Fiscal printer or can you use any POS thermal printer?

I had a look but there is no manual for the fiscal version of the printer you mentioned. 

If you require only a thermal printer, then you need only to setup the tax and then design the receipt with the appropriate printer tags. 

Hi. Yes, even we can print in any thermal printer, laws in my contry says that the documents must be printed with a fiscal printer, e.g. Bematech mp4000. In this site I've found the drivers for this printer, but i not sure were place the respective commands in de source code of Samba or how set up this parameters. Please help me.

emreeren's picture
Sep 22, 2013
Reputation: 595

Hello Brainhell. You've replied unmonitored e-mail notification. Please post your reply here so other members can see your answer. Thank you... 

Sorry emreeren.

lernoutmaltas's picture
Sep 22, 2013
Reputation: 130

Hello Edgar, to use fiscal printers, you need to go through an approval system (something expensive and bureaucratic government) has no way out of this fiscal printers use, you can use non-fiscal printers without problems

emreeren's picture
Sep 23, 2013
Reputation: 595

Lernoutmaltas gov approval is not required on all countries. Even gov approval is required some fiscal printers supports importing sales from a text file so you can send sales to printer. Basically you'll dump plu numbers and quantities in a text file with demo printer by entering a file path as printer name. Printer software will read this file and delete it after importing that. If printer supports that you can get more details about that from seller. 

Hi emreeren, did you mean use a spooler driver or somelike this???? Bematech has a spooler driver but i'm not sure how it works. In the other hand, i need the printed ticket looks like this:


Can i change the product table structure in order to adapt SAMBAPOS to this requirements?


lernoutmaltas's picture
Sep 23, 2013
Reputation: 130

Emreeren Hi, thanks for the info.

I had researched a lot about this subject, and I found it interesting what he said, until then I had the knowledge that the entire system would have to go through a kind of suitability for release printing.

unclosed even had a post on this subject where I talked about some of the laws specifically Brazilian (I think it should be similar to the country of Edgar)

Now I'm curious, I had found a solution for my case where I would have to join another company to release a kind of front of box to be able to print to these printers fiscal.

Then we can print with fiscal printers?

emreeren's picture
Sep 23, 2013
Reputation: 595

Technically you can do anything but you need to know how gov regulations works and what your system supports. For example check issue. If your system supports similar feature you can solve it. 

Ok. I'll check it......


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