outback's picture
Sep 08, 2013
Reputation: 27

Discount drinks [not food] only for account customers

I am setting up customer accounts/ and or loyalty card accounts and I want to give a discount to the drinks only, not the menu items. ie to any walk in customer he will pay full price for drinks and standard price for food. My customer base will get discounted drinks and standard price for food.

2 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Sep 15, 2013
Reputation: 271

There is a few ways of doing this, so I will give a quick rundown of one way.

Rule - When a Customer is selected
Action - Update Ticket State
- StateName : Discount
- State : Customer

Rule - Drink Added to Order & State Discount = Customer
Action - Update Order
- Price : [=Order.Price * 0.95] -> to give 5% off.


Thanks John SCS but I couldn't get your idea to work.

However, it wasn't quite what I was looking for:- I have already set up special m'ship accounts for owner, gold , silver etc. as per Emreeren's reply to issue # 179, which works fine. I have varying discounts according to m'ship type. I want to amend that to exclude all the food items. Can that be done?

Secondly, when using SambaPos, is there a way of minimizing the screen, at the moment I have to log off all the time.


The setup you have is Ticket based, that is a discount on the Ticket, not individual items.

The Update Customer Discount Rule will need to be changed to Order Added to Ticket Rule. You will need 3 Rules, one for each type of Customer.
I will have to test to see what will be the easiest to setup.

On the second issue, if you double click on the SambaPOS 3 in the top left corner, SambaPOS will change to WIndow Mode.

JohnSCS's picture
Sep 19, 2013
Reputation: 271

This has to be done on an item group basis.

1. Disable your 'Update Customer Discount' Rules by deleting the Mappings.

2. Create a new Action for each discount rate. For example
Action - Gold Discount 10%
Name : Gold Customer Discount
Action : Update Order
Price : [=Order.Price * 0.90] -> 10% discount
Calculate Price : True

3. Create an Action to Update Order to show Discount. You only need one Action.
Name : Update Order - Discount Customer
Action : Update Order State
StateName : Discount
Group Order : 5
State : [:Status]
StateOrder : 5

3. Create a new Rule for each Customer Type. For example
Rule - Gold Discount 10%
Name : Gold Customer Discount
Event : Order Added To Ticket
Execute Rule : Matches
Constraint : Menu Item Group Code Equals Beverages -> add more of this line for more groups
Constraint : {ENTITY DATA:Customer:Customer Type} Equals Gold -> make sure this constraint is last
Action - Gold Customer Discount
Action - Update Order - Discount Customer
 - Status : 10% Discount

That should work. It is only one more Action over the original setup, but this gives you better control over what is discounted.

Hi JohnSCS

I struggled a few times to set this up and then also I had to update from 3.015, one by one to 3.027 to get the "matches" rule; one by one otherwise a problem with database version. But it's now working on my office machine [Hooray] but I haven't gone live in the restaurant yet, the updates are worrying.

But thanks a lot - Great

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