lernoutmaltas's picture
Aug 27, 2013
Reputation: 130

How to choose a printer for sambapos?


which settings a new printer will be able to work with the system example:

compatible ESC / POS? Thermal?

8 answers

JohnSCS's picture
Aug 27, 2013
Reputation: 271

Any main brand thermal printer. 

Epson, Toshiba, any printer that supports ESC/POS.

I have used Epson TM-T20, TPG A795, Toshiba A10 and a few cheaper ESC/POS thermal printers. 

lernoutmaltas's picture
Aug 27, 2013
Reputation: 130

I ask this question because this model bought 3 printers (https://www.elgin.com.br/portalelgin/site/produto/detalhe/produtodetalhe.aspx?idprod=641&sm=p12) but does not work the standard ESC / POS tried everything and do not print commands sambapos

JohnSCS's picture
Aug 27, 2013
Reputation: 271

Can you print a windows test page ?

if not then its not setup properly or it's in Native Mode, instead of Windows Driver Mode. 

If you can do a windows test page, then what settings do you have in SambaPOS?

JohnSCS Hi, yes we did the installation mode windows driver, using the commands of the printer and windows printer, the test page on the printer exits normally, most commands SambaPOS not print, eg

Printer Command> not emit Beep, No paper cuts, not out commands SambaPOS

Windows printer> Emits beep, cut paper but does not print commands SambaPOS

also try text mode and html mode more unsuccessful

JohnSCS's picture
Aug 27, 2013
Reputation: 271

Has to be set as Ticket Printer in SambaPOS. . 

Cut paper is a printer setting, not SambaPOS.

Try <BEEP> or <Bxy> x = count, y = duration. For example <B23> beeps 2 times and beep duration is 3.

lernoutmaltas's picture
Aug 27, 2013
Reputation: 130

Hi, JohnSCS

The paper cut I understand it has to be in the printer itself more when we use the same ticket printer so the printer being configured does not cut it.

Contact Elgin, they claim that is not supported SambaPOS and say that the error is in the system and not the printer ):

That is a typical answer from a supplier. 

Can you purchase Epson TM-T20 printers in Brazil?

Can you return the Elgin printers?

lernoutmaltas's picture
Aug 29, 2013
Reputation: 130

Hi JohnSCS really is incredible SambaPOS The Elgin assumed that selling a product that is not ESC / POS, here in Brazil does have this model of Epson and we exchange these models Elgin by Epson

Thanks for the help! Now more votes for sambapos that is becoming every day a more incredible

JohnSCS's picture
Sep 05, 2013
Reputation: 271

RJ-11 is for the Cash Drawer. It looks like it was a USB connection.

I think the problem was that the printer was in Native Mode and not in Windows Driver Mode. This is set on the printer itself, not by software. Using the software that came with the printer you would be able to do test prints in Native Mode, but it would not print using a Windows Driver.

The moral to this is buy a brand name printer and/or learn how to reprogram thermal printers. Lots of POS systems use Native Mode instead of ESC/POS via Windows Driver, and the Elgin may have been in Native Mode.

CliveCliff's picture
Mar 31, 2016
Reputation: 1


I installed SambaPOS V3 because V4 had some incompatity issues on Windows XP. The challenge I am having is that I can not get the software to print tickets.

Thank you in advance.

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